Friday, March 16, 2012


THIS DISC JOCKEY is the most favorite of MOR Davao Stickamers group, not only because of how the way he treated the group on air but for real. A good guy, a multi-talented guy who loves singing, acting, hosting, scriptwriting, swimming, and with sense of humor.

I personally met this guy during our group's Christmas party (I posted earlier). He's really a good guy, with a know-how-factor upon handling others. Though most of the time during that night was partying, eating, drinking, dancing & singing which I'm not getting used to (except the latter), he managed to accomodate everyone.

So, who is he?

He is RONALD ESPERE in real life, born on the 25th day of November, 1978 in Panabo City, Philippines. A product of Dalisay Village Elementary School and Panabo National High School.

After graduating high school, he leaved Panabo City, pursuing his skills in Comic Scriptwriting at DYNACOIL-Dynamic Concept Illustrated Art School at Sto. Niño, Gapan, Nueva Ecija for two years.

But he missed his life in his old town, so he came back and continued pursuing his dreams take another 2 year Computer Programming course at ACES (formerly SMIT) before he proceed taking Bachelor of Arts Major in English at University of Mindanao, Davao City.

His career starts as Radio-Drama Scriptwriter/Director/Voice Talent/Stageplayer at DXUM 819 kHz, Ponciano Reyes St., Davao City from 1997 until 2004.

1-Minuter Radio-Drama Scriptwriter/Director/Voice Talent (Love Clinic) at 90.7 Love Radio (DXBM) MBC Compound, R.Castillo St. Agdao, Davao City for a year.

Radio-Drama Scriptwriter/Director/Voice Talent/Stageplayer
And as anchor as Ronald Espere and as Jolanta
DXGO 855kHz MBC Compound, R. Castillo St. Agdao, Davao City from 2004 up to 2006.

Tabloid Novelist
January- May 2008
Periodiko Mindanaw
Tagum City

July 2007- June 22, 2008 105.1 YES FM
Disc Jockey/News Anchor As Roni Macaroni/Maning Pak-an
RICO S. DAYOC JR Station Manager
#5 ATU Plaza Commercial Building, Duterte St., Davao City

June 23, 2008 to November 2008
88.3 Energy FM
Disc Jockey/News Anchor as Ricky Mouse/Manay Monchang
NOEL AMOROSO, Station Manager
Room 501 State Investment Bldg.
C.M Recto St., Davao City

June 2010- March 2011
Studio Onnie Comedy Bar
Stand-up comedian/Singer
MTS, Matina
Davao City, Philippines

And at present, he is the ONE.. and the only ONE behind the taglines: "Kiyudto na show!", "Yawyaw!", "Kahibalo ka ba?(Rikipedia)", "Indeed! Indeeder! Indeedest!", "Pakyas!", etc. (hmm. I think his planning to plug a new tagline: "Tagay na show, ipatuyok ang baso!"

Around of applause to our

Disc Jockey/Anchor Riki Mouse of 101.1 M.O.R/DXAB, ABS-CBN Compound, Shrine Hills, Matina, Davao City.

DJ Riki Mouse & Errol Kris Soriano

Ayey! I've got a lot to tell about this guy. Sooner, I will share with you some of his personal but limited stuff (to respect his privacy of course). I know you are eager to know any information regarding his love life and worse nightmares in life. 

See you then. ^^